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By: Liz Monnier

I spoke with Debbie Blunden-Diggs, the Artistic Director for Dayton Contemporary Dance Company for ½ hour today going over final details for their three-day residency next week. She is obviously a seasoned traveler with this company knowing exactly what they will want to eat, how much water they will consume and how much time they need to warm up for a lecture-demonstration. They are bringing 17 dancers! I can’t imagine keeping track of a huge group of people like that! Usually before a company arrives, I do my homework and start memorizing dancers names, matching their pictures in the program. This year, however, I think I will request name tags! The residency kicks off Thursday night with a welcoming party for the company, March 19, 6:30 p.m. at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art.

The dancers are preparing a little pedestrian-movement score to introduce themselves to their new Fort Wayne friends. There will be some luscious food, a cash bar and obviously some very up energy! If you’d like to come, please call the FWDC office at 424.6574 and let us know you are coming, but you’ll need to drop 10 bucks at the door of the museum. (Also, this weekend is your last chance to catch the Dance Theatre of Harlem exhibit at the museum!)

There are only 8 spaces left in the master class from 4:30-6:00 p.m. with DCDC dancer, Amy Jones, and you’ll need to get your tickets to the live performance soon as the ticket prices increase by $5 the door on March 21! There will be a talk-back after the show that you won’t want to miss! Dayton! We are ready for you!!

[button id=”” style=”filled” class=”” align=”” link=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=23069&stype=-8&sTG=28&sVT=102&sView=day” linkTarget=”_blank” bgColor=”accent1″ hover_color=”accent1″ font=”24″ icon=”” icon_placement=”left” icon_color=””]Purchase Tickets[/button]

[button id=”” style=”filled” class=”” align=”” link=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=23069&stype=-8&sTG=25&sVT=103&sView=day” linkTarget=”_blank” bgColor=”accent1″ hover_color=”accent1″ font=”24″ icon=”” icon_placement=”left” icon_color=””]Register for Master Class[/button]